Thursday, May 8, 2014

Art Event 2: Advanced Digital Art's Projections

Last night I took a walk around campus to see the Advanced Digital Art class's final projects. They had to make animations or videos, and design them with the intention of projecting the final product onto a building. There was a wide range of work, ranging from stop-motion, simple animation, and videos of live interviews. Most of them also featured sound, making it easy to find where another projection was being held.

I appreciated the wide variety of techniques that I saw in each of the projects. The stop-motion project was a lot of fun, and I thought the idea was well-executed. Some projects I thought were also well-suited to the places that they were projected. One project of a baby on a swing seemed to connect the ropes of the swing to the top of the building it was being projected on, making it look like it was a normal part of the building. There were other projects that were deeply personal or emotional. Although these projects took different approaches from hand-drawn elements or animation, I thought it was interesting having such emotional content be projected onto a campus building for anyone to see.

My favorite project was one that appeared simple, but had a great amount of thought put into where it was to be projected. The project was a short animation of a lizard that crawled around a column of the library wall. The animation had been made and set up to look like the lizard was actually going around and around the column. It was short and simple, but very cool.